Home Improvement

Common Red Flag Warnings That You Need To Repair Your Home’s Pipes!


There’s truly no telling when your home might start experiencing plumbing issues, and many older homes still have outdated piping systems that simply need to be addressed. When you need to repair pipe at your property, it can seem extremely overwhelming, but the truth is that you’ll be in good hands once you’ve hired a top-notch plumber to check things out.

But the best thing you can do for your deteriorating pipes is simply keep an eye on them and know when it’s time to call in the pros. We’ve teamed up with the pipe repair experts at DG Plumbing to develop this list of red flag warning signs oriented around needing pipe repairs at residential properties.

So take it from the specialists in that you need to be aware of the following red flags oriented around deteriorating pipes!

Sewage Odors Emanating Throughout Your Home

Sewage typically smells like rotten eggs or sulfur, and it’s not the type of smell you want to experience while casually walking throughout your home. And what might even be worse is that this type of smell could also be an indication of a gas leak, which is an emergency situation that requires a 911 call and an immediate evacuation of the property.

But when you’re experiencing issues with your property’s sewer line, it’s fortunately not quite so drastic. This type of warning sign does require a call to a plumbing company so they can efficiently check things out before the pipe damage gets worse, because this type of scenario is usually connected to a significant blockage or even a crack in your sewer pipes.

Drains Are Running Really Slowly

Slow drains are an indication that your pipes have slowly but surely been building up debris, which means you’re going to need to invest in professional drain cleaning services at the very least. There are plenty of scenarios in which drain cleaning can clear out a pesky blockage, but of course your plumber will also need to verify the overall integrity of your clogged pipe.

It’s possible that the pipe itself has incurred damages, which would mean that the pipe would need to either be repaired or replaced in order to restore the drain back to its normal flow levels.

Abnormal Gurgling Sounds Coming From Plumbing Fixtures

Another common red flag to be on the lookout for is when your home’s plumbing fixtures are making abnormal sounds, like gurgling sounds coming from your toilets, washing machine, drains or kitchen sink. One strangely common occurrence is a toilet gurgling while a shower is being taken, and this type of scenario is caused by your pipes filling up with air.

This of course is a situation you’ll want to avoid, and it requires professional attention to properly correct.

Water Pressure Issues

Low water pressure and other types of water pressure issues are another common occurrence in households all throughout the country, and it’s particularly alarming when a household is experiencing widespread low water pressure (and not just at one fixture).

There’s no denying that this situation will require a professional plumber, because your pipes could be clogged or you could need a thorough analysis of your entire plumbing system.

Constantly Running Toilets

Running toilets are another common occurrence that homeowners need to stay aware of, because this will lead to wasted water and future issues within your pipes.

Although this type of scenario is often connected to malfunctioning toilet components, it could also be connected to a damaged pipe.

Noticeable Leaks

Noticeable leaks are of course very serious plumbing issues that’ll require an immediate call to your local professionals. When a leak is connected to a damaged pipe, it’s a serious situation that’ll undoubtedly require extensive professional care.

Hidden Leaks

Not every leak is clearly noticeable, and this is especially the case with pipe leaks. Sometimes it can be difficult to know when your home is experiencing a hidden pipe leak, but you can always do a water meter test to verify if your water is still running when the home’s supply has been shut off.

Contact The DG Plumbing Team To Learn More About Repairing Pipes!

It’s always a really serious situation when a homeowner needs to repair pipes at their property, and it’s never a DIY project. You’re going to need professional help to get this type of plumbing issue properly resolved, and many DIY pipe repairs end up leading to bigger problems and more expensive professional plumbing repairs.

So get in touch with the DG Plumbing experts via the above hyperlink to learn more about how you can recognize and prevent pipe repairs at your property!

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