Cleaning tips

Blood Spill Cleanup Service for Hotels


Blood in hotel rooms in not uncommon. Crime events happen in many hotels. Suicides, violent crimes, accidental deaths, injuries and homicides happens regularly in hotels across the world. All the events listed are more likely to result in blood spill. Blood carries a host of harmful bacteria and viruses. These pathogens can result in serious health complications, and therefore, requires that blood cleanup be handled by blood spill cleanup service.

The common bloodborne pathogens found in blood include the following

    • HIV: Commonly known as a sexually transmitted diseases, it can be transmitted by direct contact with HIV contaminated blood
    • Hepatitis B: A highly contagious virus that affects the liver
    • Syphilis: An infectious disease that cause damage to the heart, brain and other organs
    • West Nile Virus: A harmful neurological virus
    • Hepatitis C: A bloodborne pathogen that cause serious damage to the liver
  • MRSA: Will research bout this later

Should Hotel Employees Handle Blood Spill Cleaning?

Hotel blood cleanup is not the responsibility of employees. It is always best to have an expert take care of this aspect for you. It is unlikely that the job description maintains that biohazard cleanup is the responsibility of hotel housekeeping or maintenance crew. Due to this, they are unskilled and untrained in handling biohazard clean up, nor will they be familiar with OSHA or EPA regulation.

Just as hotels prioritize the safety of guests, so it does to guests. Asking a hotel maintenance crew to attempt blood spill cleanup service is dangerous. The hotel would be liable for any infection the housekeeper suffers in the course of carrying out such task. Even if they are trained and skilled in cleaning up blood spill and other biohazards, it is highly unlikely that they will have access to the right PPEs required to keep the blood stained room safe for other guests. Using cleaning agents used for cleaning and disinfecting hotel room will do nothing in removing the harmful bloodborne pathogens in the hotel room. 

Whose Responsibility is Hotel Blood Spill Cleanup Service?

Once the deceased body has been removed from the property and the police have concluded their investigations, granting access to the apartment, the next step is to clean up the affected space. This is the responsibility of the hotel. Hotel managers should understand that they are obliged to protect the health of their guests. For this reason, the cleanup of blood in a hotel room should not be handled by the hotel staff or any local janitorial service. This is the best handled by a professional blood spill cleanup service. This is so because hotels invite the public to enter their premises, hence it is their duty to hold up their own part of the agreement when it comes to ensuring safety of their guests. 

A hotel facility that puts the lives of guests at risk of illness or injury will not be spared by the wrath of the law. To avoid any form of litigation, contact professional blood spill cleanup service. These technicians will cleanup a trauma scene and ensure that it is free from infectious materials. 


Nancy Pope


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